There are certain items that should be in everyone’s closet. Even the mavericks of fashion can agree that a little black dress, or a well tailored suit, and of course leather dress shoes can take you through a wide variety of social occasions. While a classic piece is a worthy investment for your wardrobe, today we’ll focus on standard leather dress shoes, of which there are many types, but not all types can fit all occasions. The clothes may make the man, but the man had better wear garments appropriate for the occasion.
Of the total shoe market, men’s leather dress shoes only account for 6%. While the average man may not appreciate artisan shoes, a classic dress shoe is a wardrobe staple. This type of shoe can famously be dressed up with a suit to wear to a job interview or as a wedding guest, but can also play it casual with a dark pair of jeans for a date. That kind of versatility is worth a little extra research.
So what makes one pair of mens leather shoes different from another? The material is significant, as animal skins vary in perceived formality. This means that some see mens alligator shoes as terribly ostentatious, while in a different field they may be perfectly acceptable. To avoid some confusion, it is generally agreed that plain leather from a calf or cow is more formal than exotic leathers, such as crocodile or ostrich. However, working in what are considered creative fields usually allows for more leeway in employee dress code. So while a lawyer presenting a case before a judge may choose to wear fine, but plain, leather dress shoes, an advertiser in a creative firm may feel comfortable wearing mens snakeskin shoes. Know your backdrop.
After deciding on the correct leather for your first pair, style comes into question. Again, usually plainer styles can take you anywhere, but at some engagements those “safe” shoes may seem a little unoriginal. Make a selection in accordance to what would be worse. The Oxford and Derby styles are classic lace ups with simple lines. The monk strap and loafer are viewed as a little more casual with their lack of ties, relying instead on buckles or simply slipping over the foot.
Once you’ve purchased a proper pair of leather dress shoes, it is important to know how to care for them. A pair of leather shoes sustains tens of thousands of foot flexes throughout its lifespan. Rotating your shoes to give a day of rest to the leather and foot bed is necessary, as is using a shoe tree to hang them. Also, take the time to rub some leather polish into the uppers. Proper care such as this can increase the life of a shoe by 10 times.
Classic wardrobe items are termed so for a reason. They surpass trends and can look great on anyone. Having the right items in your closet can make getting dressed easier, if not simpler. Pick up a good pair of leather dress shoes that fit your life.