When you are shipping for jewelers, it’s easy to find a list of jewelry stores where you can shop for what you want. There are countless local jewelry stores as well as shops online. It can take a while to find the best places to shop online for jewelry, but it is worth the time to look for good stores. The best engagement ring places may be local since you want a good fit and want to be able to pick out the stones yourself. It can be fun seeing the available stones and planning out a design for them.
The best diamond engagement ring stores are often locally owned stores that give you the benefit of being able to talk to the owner about the stones you want. You can get a good education on diamonds there as well as on other gems and metals. The ring that you choose has to be worn for a lifetime, so it’s a good idea to take your time when choosing and buying the ring. There are so many different styles, that it’s also important that the wearer will get the ring that they want to wear for the rest of their life.
You need to dig deeper and find a craftsman that is just as invested in the long-term as you are. After months of planning your wedding day is finally starting to see fruition. You have your reception to design, invitations to send out and a whole host of minor to major details to keep in place. Where does custom jewelry design come into play? Many would have their custom engagement ring be the first detail to hash out, as it’s one of the most iconic elements of a romantic union and something that can be passed down through the generations. This means you can’t just settle for any custom wedding band, no matter how beautiful on the surface.
Custom jewelry design has been around for thousands of years. Some of the most ancient human civilizations have defined themselves on the art they could create out of precious stones and metals, with many creations having withstood the test of time to be celebrated in museums the world over. Necklaces, bracelets, chokers, rings, earrings, piercings, and decorative additions to armor and dresses all boast a highly individualized history that couldn’t possibly be summed up in any list.
To design your own gemstone ring is to take an old art and sprinkle it with the new. There are quite a few top jewelers available to offer you a prime selection of materials, cuts, and designs. As of today, the top three markets for luxury jewelry are Europe, China, and the United States, with diamond engagement rings alone accounting for over $5 billion of American jewelry sales back in 2012. It’s estimated nearly 30% of Tiffany and the company’s worldwide sales came from both engagement and wedding sales.
Fine jewelry was expected to take a dip these past few years, but recent industry figures are telling a different story. As of spring of 2017, an estimated 30 million people had invested in fine jewelry that year. The average price of an engagement ring today is around $5,500, though this number can increase or decrease depending on your personal interest in perfection. The diamond has had many years to be better understood and, thanks to readily available information, there is no longer any excuse for investing in a lackluster model.
When it comes to representing sturdiness, reliability, and beauty, diamonds are unparalleled. These precious stones are able to form over 100 miles below the Earth’s surface. They take a copious amount of effort not just to find, but to cut and polish into the iconic sheen you know and love today. The Cullinan diamond is the largest diamond ever discovered, unearthed back in the early 1900s and weighing an astonishing 3,000 carats. Custom jewelry design seeks to take this classic creation and give it your own unique touch.
The U.S. Department Of Commerce has seen American jewelry stores selling an estimated $2 billion in merchandise as of two years ago. Diamond jewelry has remained an ever-competitive market and an aspect you should take seriously as you plan, design, and fund your way to your most memorable day possible. Believe it or not, going too pure with your materials can actually backfire. Pure, 24-karat gold is considered too soft to create sturdy jewelry and needs to be mixed with other metals to remain sturdy.
Different materials communicate different messages. The diamond can be supplemented with other precious stones, culminating in a complex symbol that will get across exactly much your significant other means to you. Pearls are considered gentle and effervescent, perfect for supplementing your diamonds with a romantic touch. Moonstones are similar for their polished luster and are often picked for their calming appearance. Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires can all be chosen alongside your classic gold and diamonds, transforming into a one-of-a-kind custom jewelry design that can’t be matched.
What will their ring look like this year? Find a jeweler that cares just as much as you do and never settle for less.