In the United States, at least 95.4% of the population participates in charitable giving, while the average American throws 82 pounds of clothing in the garbage every year. Fortunately, there are a myriad of organizations to donate used clothing to. Each organization has a specific mission, with the charitable donations directly supporting a specific population of the country. One specific option is to provide security and warmth through used clothing to veterans charities, which is definitely one of the impoverished and needy communities.
Charitable clothing donations allow organizations to distribute a typically expensive need at a reduced or free cost, while you are able to reduce the amount of clutter and waste in your house. The majority of households have an excess of clothing. How many times have you gone through your clothes and realized that you have outfits that you have worn once in the past 6 months? These clothing items take up space in the house and create unnecessary clutter. This perpetuates a cycle of waste, instead of recycle and reuse. Donating clothing to charity can increase the chance for a ripple effect in your family. Perhaps the act of reuse of textile material will spark an interest in recycling the rest of the waste products in the house.
The cycle of donations is reliant on the influx of clothing, among other household materials. The reuse industry for clothing specifically is booming with the average American purchasing 10 pounds of used clothing at organizations each year. The need for donations is clearly there, as it is possible to buy good clothing, even expensive brands, at a very low cost at these nonprofit organizations.
The veterans charities are a practical example of an organization to donate clothes to. To donate clothing to organizations, there is always the usual method of dropping off at a location. However, this seems to be the barrier to the donation process. Luckily, there is an option to find organizations that pick up clothing donations. Usually, you need to find local donation pick ups closest to you. This can eliminate the step of actually taking the clothing out of your house, into your car, and driving to a location. The ease of donating to organizations that will helps others that are less fortunate gives Americans no more excuses to throw away their textile waste.