Looking good has become an obsession for many Americans. From laser for lips to Botox for bodies, there is a thriving and growing industry that focuses on the passion Americans have for looking their best. Using injectables to erase fine lines and laser skin rejuvenation procedures to help their sun damaged skin look its best, we are a nation that now spends as much as $2.1 billion in retail sales in the year 2013 on the anti-aging skin care market.
If you are in your 50s and think back to the way that we lived our lives in our younger days it is no wonder that the anti-aging market is so robust. In our youth, 30 and 40 years ago, we were of the generation where getting that first sunburn of the summer was the right of passage that you paid for a golden tan later in the summer. Not worried about facial lines and skin cancer, we did not subscribe to the idea to even wearing hats most of the time when we were out on the lake, our bikes, or the pool. Heck, we even slathered on baby oil in an effort to multiply the sun’s effects on our body. We worked toward the goal of being out in the sun between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, a time that we thought of as the best tanning hours of the day, not, as we all know now, the most dangerous sun rays of the sun.
- More than 90% of the visible changes commonly attributed to skin aging are caused by the sun, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
- Compared to those who do not use sunscreen on a daily basis, people who use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher daily show 24% less skin aging.
- Wrinkles can be divided into two functional categories: deep furrows, caused by muscle contraction, and fine surface lines, caused by ultraviolet light.
- 1 million laser hair removal treatments were performed in America last year, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
- Cosmetic industry figures indicate that laser hair removal is the most popular aesthetic procedure for women under the age of 35.
- Coming in second only to Botox for women over 35-years-old, laser hair removal is also popular in this age group.
Whether you are considering laser for lips treatments or you are looking at options for rejuvenating your sun damaged skin, there are many places where people can go to get the help that they need to look their best. From a laser hair removal to help you make sure that you are looking your best for a weekend at the lake with friends or you are desperate for a way to deal with the liver spots on your hands, there are many beauty professionals who can help you achieve your goals. Laser for lips and injections for crows feet are just two of the many examples that can help you get an immediate boost for your appearance this summer.