Continuing into the 21st century, there is much more to consider about self-protection when it comes to a wallet than a simple loss of the cash that you are carrying around with you. In the past, thieves may not have been able to gain much through the collection of some of your personal information with your driver’s license or other identification, but the credit cards, debit cards, and so many other special payment options available today can provide so much access to all points of your life.
Build Your Own Wallets of Many Types
Now, the extensive safety needs for identity protection come from much more than the wallet that would be in your back pocket (for men) or in your purse (for women). Luckily, there are options to build your own wallet. Some of these may include options like ultra thin wallets and others that are able to hold all of your cards, IDs, and many other items in a safe and protected place. Even with the options of digital payment apps today, there is much more to be considered for the safety you already recognize as a need, especially if you have faced an issue in the past of fraud or stolen identity.
From the wallet to billfold or money clip, there are other types of carrying options for money as well. One includes the need to carry credit cards separately. Money clips may help, especially the add-on money clip that can be used as a sort of option to include with what you already have. Sometimes, if you are looking to take up as little space in your pockets as possible, there are also minimalist money clips.
Carbon Fiber Wallets
Throughout history, one of the most common types of wallets is the carbon fiber wallet. Carbon fibers are developed through composite engineering and composite technology while there is also custom carbon fiber manufacturing that helps develop incredibly strong fibers, basically defined as being strong as steel. Your need for a carbon fiber wallet is one of the most important improvements, and carbon fiber works to develop strong materials and products that take on the most wear and tear. Different products made of like carbon fiber include wallets, minimalist money clips, and many others are available. With the production of carbon fiber for many different strong materials, there are a number of different types of strong wallets and holders including:
- Carbon fiber wallets
- Carbon fiber credit card wallets
- Aluminum billfolds
- Quick access thin credit card wallets
- Titanium wallet money clips
- Ultra slim wallets
- Aluminum wallet with money clip
Carbon Fiber Specifications
As you determine the need to build your own wallet, often both very thin and strong at the same time, carbon fiber may be the strongest option to meet your needs. Many of the specs that show this fabric to be the most valuable and long-lasting include the following:
- Carbon fibers, five to ten microns in diameter, are only a little wider than spider silk.
Carbon fiber composites contain about 10 times the strength of steel at about half the weight.
PAN-based carbon fibers contain high strength and about 1,000 KSI strength.
Therefore, carbon fiber manufacturing of any selection made to build your own wallet, many options work for the availability of greatest strength and protection, helping to keep both your cash and identity stolen at the most random times. no matter the amount of pressure it will take over time. All of these products are able to last a lifetime with the wear that they can take on a daily basis. Extremely strong products are available for work and all other needs as well. The strength of carbon fiber wallets eliminates the need to worry about the corrosion that leather or other cloth wallets may take. Carbon fiber for many other products as well are available to provide some great benefits for the stability of work or everyday tasks.