Recently, fashion handbags have become one of the most popular accessories for women. In the United States, the women’s purse and handbag industry was worth $35 million during the year 2011, and that figure has only increased in the years since. Studies show that more than one fifth of all women would spend extravagantly on designer handbag options if they had the money to do so. Of course, the price tag on designer handbag options is outside the range of what most women can afford; on average, designer handbag styles retail for an average of $2500 – $3000 per bag. However, that range pales in comparison to the highest reported payout for a handbag on Ebay; an Ebay shopper spent $24,500 on a Hermes Birkin bag, a company known for its high end designer handbag options and brand loyalty.
One method by which ladies handbag aficionados can purchase designer handbag options at a much lower cost is to seek out wholesale purses and handbags. Authentic wholesale designer bags are just as chic and well made as other designer handbag options sold in retail stores, but because they are distributed in bulk, wholesale handbags and purses can be had for just a fraction of the cost.
One example of designer handbag options that can be purchased for far less than designer cousins are wholesale Alyssa purses, which come in numerous colors and sizes. Alyssa is producing affordable designer handbag options that are currently trendy in today’s New York fashion market. Of the 27,999 handbag and luggage companies operating in the U.S. today, Alyssa is amongst the most successful up and coming producers of high end inspired designer handbag options for the discriminating fashionista. Producing bags that are both attractive and functional, Alyssa is known for sturdily constructed purses in a variety of shades and styles including the Classic Ring Accent Hobo handbag, the Four-Zip Mini Cross Body Messenger Handbag, the Braid Handle Accent Spy Handbag, and the Designer Inspired “Hermes Birkin Looking” Pad Lock Solid Color Structured Tote Handbag, as well as many other designer handbag options.
The average American woman owns six handbags, but wishes she could have many more in her closet. Thanks to Alyssa handbags, she can. These bags look like a million dollars, but won’t break the bank. They are red carpet ready, but can be had for wholesale prices. This is a great source for more: