Junior and senior prom can be some of the most fun-filled and memorable events of high school, so you should absolutely consider attending! If you and your friends are hyped to go to the prom this year, with or without dates, then there’s some fun prep work you’ll be sure to do before the big night. Before you leave all of your preparations until the last minute, let’s take a look at some of the most popular things to do before prom! In this video, we will look at some fun things to do before the big night.
First of all, you should order your dress far in advance. Prom dresses are often flying off the racks during prom season, so plan ahead for delivery times and adjustments you may need to make. Take your precious garments to a dry cleaning service, and make sure your whole outfit is perfected beforehand. Additionally, you want to do your nails, plan out your hairstyle, and plan out your “promposal” to your potential date! Finally, go out for a spa date with your friends! Get relaxed and feel confident for prom night.