Going to college can be really exciting. But do you know what is even more exciting? Getting to decorate your dorm room!
Unfortunately, dorm rooms are often terribly small, which means you can’t bring a ton with you to school. However, there are some things you can do that won’t want take up a ton of space, while allowing you to show off your personality.
First, take a look at your space and see how much room you actually have. While the rooms tend to be small, if you use the right organizational techniques, you may find that there’s more space than you originally thought. Once you’ve figured out what you can do, it’s time to start shopping!!
Why not try making your own headboard? College dorm rooms don’t come with headboards, so you’ll typically have the allowance to do so. A headboard is pretty easy to make. You can either bring in a foam or cork board and cover it with fabric, or you can use wall decals. Either option is very simple and inexpensive.
If you are attending the University of Kentucky, you can decorate your room with school merch. Putting various KY State memorabilia or University of Kentucky merchandise in your room is a great way to show off your school pride. From posters on your wall to UK mugs, these small items will be able to fit in your room while showing off your school spirit. Any small promotional product will work! A cool fact to note is that the first promotional product used in the United States was introduced in 1789. This is when George Washington used commemorative buttons for his presidential campaign. They probably don’t teach that in History 101!
It’s important to note that closets in college dorms tend to be small. However, it’s crucial to make sure that you have some University of Kentucky womens clothes in there! If they don’t fit in your closet, getting an under-the-bed storage container for your University of Kentucky womens clothes will work well.
A final way to decorate your dorm without taking up a lot of space is with the use of canopies. Canopies consist of a slim, sheer cloth and can be used to hide what’s in your closet, hang in your door’s entryway, or separate the two sides of the room if you have a roommate.
Moving into a college dorm can be a lot of fun, even if you can’t bring a lot of stuff with you. By following the tips above, you’ll be able to spice up your room with a few usable items.