Thinking of creating some school spirit tshirts? how about some apparel designs for your small to medium-sized business? Whatever your goals, the fact of the matter is that custom shirts are one of the most clever marketing tactics out there. The term ‘out of sight, out of mind’ is one that holds incredibly true for advertising and one thing nobody wants to confront is all their hard work potentially going to waste! Let’s take a look at apparel designs and why they’re fun, memorable and incredibly useful in the day-to-day.
A Popular Item
Did you know there are around two billion tshirts sold worldwide every single year on a consistent basis? It’s clear this is a trend that won’t wear out, if you’ll pardon the pun! Around 60% of Americans claim to own at least 10 shirts in their wardrobe, totaling to one billion shirts or so just in the United States. What makes these such a popular item, anyway, and how can you potentially maximize upon this love to advertise your brand or event?
School Spirit Gifts And Fun
School is a major part of the average American’s life. It stands to reason school spirit tshirts are pretty common! Principals overwhelmingly believe it’s important that they build school spirit at their school, totaling up to nearly 90%, and that higher levels of school spirit is directly tied into better student achievement. For students involved in activity programs, around half said the reason they were involved was so they could be more connected to their school. Another 30% said it was a way to show off their school spirit.
Perfect For Fundraising And Charity
From school spirit tshirts to memorabilia, creating custom shirts is a fantastic way to get everyone in the mood of the event. For every 1,000 fundraising emails sent by a nonprofit, the people in question raise around $17. Online giving has grown by nearly 14% over the past few years and a stunning 70% of school fundraising sales are made by elementary school parents, students and volunteers alike. An additional survey even discovered that 17% of crowdfunding donations are made on mobile devices, such as phones or tablets.
Pick A Design, Any Design
What makes school spirit wear or company polo shirts look good? In the great design mantra of ‘less is more’, you’ll want to put emphasis on one or two major focal points to avoid creating something messy or distracting. Some choose to create a splashy logo, be it of a character or an item, to draw the average person’s eye. Others prefer attractive text that’s easy to read but doesn’t overwhelm the shirt. Last, but not least, try to focus on one to three colors to create a cohesive look that’ll look great in anyone’s wardrobe!
It’s Time To Create Custom Embroidery
Now that you know what makes corporate custom apparel and school spirit tshirts so memorable, it’s time to go out and make some! The average graphic design company or tshirt printing studio has plenty to offer you in terms of cut, materials and ink — you’ll never have to worry about coming up short. During 2005 and 2006 nine out of 10 parents went out and purchased a product to support their school’s fundraiser, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by AFRDS. A related survey found that 70% of parents said they sold fundraising projects and items to friends and co-workers. Ready to get into the spirit of crafting?