When it comes to back-to-school shopping, there’s usually a lot of excitement. Kids are eager to see their friends after a long summer and eager to show off their latest Mama Shirt T-shirt, knit cap, knitted beanies or pair of jeans.
For young teens, back-to-school shopping is all about finding the right outfit and the possibilities are endless. Does a certain tee shirt go with this pair of jeans? Do these shoes match this hat? Whether a young teen keeps it simple with a tee shirt and jeans or opts for layering or adds accessories to their look, the only barrier is the imagination. With that in mind, here are some fashion tips for middle-schoolers.
- Share Clothes: Siblings are often some of a child’s first friends and one fashion tip is to share clothing with siblings. If there’s a sizeable age difference, this idea isn’t for everyone. But if there isn’t a sibling rivalry, one of the best things to do is share clothing. A big sister can help a little sister look “cool” by giving them some fashion tips and if two siblings are the same age, there’s nothing wrong with swapping outfits, especially if your sibling has an outfit you think looks good. If your sister or brother loves rocking knitted beanies with a hoodie and torn jeans, try out the look and see if it fits your own sense of style.
There’s plenty of benefit in sharing clothes and there are plenty of tips available online for parents who want to encourage clothes sharing among siblings. - Layer and Add Some Accessories: If you’re a middle-schooler, you might love your Mama Bear shirt or Nike hoodie, but unless you do laundry every night, you can’t wear it every day. The same thing goes for those who have the same look every day. If you feel your look is getting a bit stale, don’t be afraid to change it up. Throw a jacket over a tee shirt, layer tee shirts, layer tee shirts with long sleeved shirts.
Don’t be afraid to add some accessories too. For girls, add some bracelets to your look. For guys, try adding a belt or a chain or even knitted beanies. Pinterest offers plenty of ideas to freshen up your style and add some cool accessories. - Fashion Apps: As Apple likes to say, “There’s an app for that.” Today’s middle-schoolers are all about technology and whether you’ve got an iPhone or an Android, there are dozens of fashion apps for today’s young teens to find out about all the latest style trends such as Mama Bear shirts. You can take picture of clothes you already own and get outfit suggestions and many of them offer style tips.
Don’t be afraid to dress for the season either. If it’s spring or summer time, there’s nothing wrong with short-sleeved shirts and jeans or capri pants. If it’s the dead of winter, layer up and slap knitted beanies or knit hats on your head. It’s perfectly acceptable to be fashionable, but you also want to dress according to the season so you can be comfortable at the same time.
With so many fashion apps available, the possibilities are endless. - Branch Out When Shopping: Going to the mall to all the popular name-brand stores is a great way to catch up on the latest fashion trends like Mama Bear shirts, but it can also get expensive and it’s not the only option for clothes shopping. If you’re looking for stylish, out-of-the-box type clothing to add to your back to school collection, consider thrift stores or vintage stores. You’re not going to be getting clothes from the Stone Age and you just might find something fun and unique.
There are many advantages to thrift shopping and many advantages to vintage clothing; the only limit is the imagination.
The back-to-school shopping season is the second-largest seasonal shopping period of the year in terms of consumer spending. By branching out, young teens can give themselves a whole new sense of style for the new school year. Using fashion apps, seeking out many types of clothing stores and adding accessories can change a stye and make a fashion-sensible guy or girl the envy of their friends.