As far too many people are unfortunately aware of, identity fraud is a very real threat all throughout the United States. In fact, as many as 16.7 million people, if not even more, will become victims of identity fraud over the course of just one single year. And this just represents the data for 2017. If we do not all take steps to prevent this identity fraud from becoming prevalent in our lives, the numbers of victims is only likely to grow.
Fortunately, there are a number of different ways that identity fraud can be prevented, as identity fraud occurs in a number of different ways as well. For instance, the care and keeping of your credit card – and it’s proper usage – is essential in reducing the likelihood that you will become a victim of identity fraud. After all, more than 16% of all identity fraud cases can actually be tied back to credit card usage. And as credit card usage is something that most of us no longer give much conscious thought, this type of identity fraud is only becoming more and more prevalent.
Thankfully, there are a few ways you can prevent this type of identity fraud. For one thing, investing in a super thin wallet like a carbon fiber wallet can help to keep your credit card safe and well protected. A carbon fiber wallet can prevent the essential information on your credit card from being stolen. In addition to this, a carbon fiber wallet, specifically a carbon fiber credit card wallet, can make it easier to keep track of your credit card and prevent it from getting lost. And the typical carbon fiber wallet is quite highly affordable, making the carbon fiber wallet a more than worthwhile investment to make.
In addition to this purchase of a carbon fiber wallet, making sure that all items you purchase online are from various reputable sites is also an important thing indeed. After all, online shopping has become more prominent in our world than ever before. As a matter of fact, the e-commerce market in the United States alone is already worth $340 billion – and is only growing. This makes it the second largest market for e-commerce in the entirety of the world, second to China alone.
It’s easy to see why online shopping has become so very popular. After all, it’s hugely convenient to partake in and you can even find a great many deals on various websites, better deals and a wider range of options that what would be available to you in your typical brick and mortar store, something that is important to keep in mind. But not all sites will be secure and it is hugely important that you vet any given site before giving it your credit or debit card information. This, when done thoroughly and properly, is likely to eliminate the risk of a great many identity fraud cases.
Of course, not all identity fraud can be protected through the purchase of a carbon fiber wallet and proper credit card usage. As a matter of fact, the majority of identity fraud still occurs due to the improper disposal of paper documents by individuals and places of business alike. Such documents that contain personal information can then all too easily be used for the purposes of identity fraud. Fortunately, the fix to this problem is a relatively simple one, and one that can be quite impactful and effective when used on a frequent basis.
Purchasing a shredder is something that everyone dealing with important and confidential documents should do. Professional grade paper shredders are actually quite a bit easier to find than many people might realize and getting one for your place of work or even for your home is an investment that is likely going to be well worth making. For many people, the purchase of a shredder can effectively and permanently prevent identity fraud, as long as the shredder in question continues to be used on a regular basis.
At the end of the day, identity fraud is a truly frightening thing but also a largely preventable one.