Construction is one of the most hazardous job fields out there. Exposure to heavy machinery, loud noises and harsh weather are just a few of the factors that contribute to injury, long-term disability and even death over the years. When you need to keep your team safe from harm and don’t want to skimp out on quality, it’s essential you stock your reserves with the proper apparel at all times. Cotton safety shirts, breathable reflective rain gear and even earplugs will all go a long way in protecting the safety of your working base.
Did You Know?
Construction workers face unique extremes compared to other industries. While the average person might total 10,000 steps per day, a laborer can exceed 30,000 on an average shift. This makes proper equipment an absolute must to keep construction workers healthy and safe, that of which includes gloves, shoes, cotton safety shirts, earplugs, brightly colored workwear and reflective tape. In addition to injury and long-term conditions there are also illnesses contracted such as skin conditions, the common cold and the flu.
How Common Is Hearing Loss?
Due to proximity to loud machinery on a constant basis, earplugs are essential to protect workers’ hearing. Depending on the fit earplugs can reduce noise by anywhere from 15 to 30 decibels, that of which makes a world of difference when you consider the prevalence of hearing loss throughout the country. Permanent hearing loss can even be caused by sounds louder than 85 decibels. According to the National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health, the maximum exposure time to any sound at 85 decibels should only be eight hours.
How Common Is Injury?
Reducing minor to severe injury is more than possible with the aid of proper equipment. The year 2015 saw over 4,000 workers killed on the job. In other words, that’s the equivalent of 13 deaths every single day. Even the recent employment can have a noticeable impact on an employee’s risk for injury. The Institute For Work And Health in Canada saw a new employee at their first month at work having more than three times the risk for a long-term injury. Common reasons for this include unclear work objectives, a lack of equipment and poor training measures. Being aware of what your workers have to go through on an average day will better help with choosing the proper equipment no matter the job, weather or task at hand.
What Equipment Should I Buy?
An employee’s performance is only as good as the equipment they use in the day-to-day. Cotton safety shirts are easy to clean and even easier to wear, able to be combined with a black safety vest, breathable reflective rain gear or cargo work pants with reflective tape. Studies have shown nearly $70 is spent on foot protection per employee on a yearly basis, making it one of the most consistent expenses when you consider how much walking and standing is done on the average construction job. Steel toe boots are preferable for their ability to prevent common foot injuries and sprains, as well, and should be considered the standard. Preventing injury and death isn’t an impossible feat. Make sure you take care of your employees with the right equipment today.