Have you ever wondered what hairstyle is right for you?
The right length, the right volume, the facial characteristics that come into play?
The trendiness or lack thereof?
Then you’ve come to the right place. This article is about three hairstyles, each with distinctive length, volume, and shape. First, a quick look at hair and what it’s all about.
Hair is important biologically. It insulates us, keeping us warm during winter. It enables us to sense changes in our natural environment, such as the movement of the wind. It protects us; think of eyelashes and their job of keeping dirt and particles out of our eyes.
Hair is important aesthetically. Women report that they’ve changed their hairstyle to feel more confident, after a break-up from a long relationship, because they were bored, or wanted to cover up gray hairs. It is a feature of models, and that singular image: A woman posing on a magazine, hair full and cut perfectly.
Each individual has a unique set of hair. That hair has characteristics:
- It can be thin or thick
- It has its own sheen
- It may naturally layer or not
There is beauty in everyone’s unique set of hair, but there are attractive hairstyles and hairstyles that look a little…well, unflattering. Here are three awesome womens hairstyles, from short hairstyles to medium-length hairstyles to long hairstyles.
Short Hairstyle: The Pixie
The Pixie is popular for women over 50 but works for a younger woman as well. It is a boyish, flattering hair cut that highlights a person’s face. It is low maintenance, just requiring a trimming once every four weeks. Some optional styling products include fast-drying hair spray, hair paste for a messy look, and a sturdy comb.
Medium-Length Hairstyle: The Medium Bob
The Bob is a classic hairstyle. It originated in France in the early 1900’s and has been part of fashion ever since. The medium bob frames the face or is a little longer. It can be made mussy or neat; both look good. One optional styling product is styling cream, which can be used to give your bob a distinctive shape.
Long Hairstyle: The Straight and Chic
The Straight and Chic is flattering, no matter the woman. This hairstyle has long layers, which creates movement as a person turns or walks. The ends are feathered, and the hairstyle’s result is a sleek, chic look. One optional styling product is the oil treatment, which keeps hair looking healthy and with a shine.
Three popular haircuts but ones of different lengths. So how do you pick the right hairstyle for you? There are three steps.
You pick the right hairstyle for you by knowing what is out there.
You pick the right hairstyle for you by experimenting with different hairstyles.
You pick the right hairstyle for you by having fun and being bold to do what you want.
Hair is important biologically and aesthetically. In society today, hair has never been more central to beauty. Every woman’s hair is unique and beautiful in some way; however, the right hair cut, when found by the suggestions above, can make all the difference. More like this blog. References. Good references.